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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


검색 정보에 따라 다음 위치와 통화를 기본 설정으로 저장했습니다.

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panerai news and events


뉴스 및 이벤트로 이동

The watch industry's major event is coming

From April 1 to 7, 2025, Watches and Wonders Geneva returns as the premier global watchmaking event. Panerai will be showcasing its world of watchmaking expertise throughout the entire week, welcoming retailers, journalists, industry professionals, and watch enthusiasts to discover its latest innovations.


During the first four days, the event will be open exclusively to industry insiders, while the Public Days, from April 5 to 7, will offer a unique opportunity for watch lovers to experience the world of fine watchmaking firsthand.


Panerai invites visitors to an immersive brand experience, where they can explore the latest timepieces, take part in a guided tour, and enjoy a rare meet-and-greet with explorer Mike Horn. Interactive sessions will also reveal the materials, precision, and engineering behind Panerai’s creations.


An exclusive opportunity to experience Panerai vision of watchmaking and innovation, presented with Panerai’s signature Italian hospitality.


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Discover the Public Days