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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


검색 정보에 따라 다음 위치와 통화를 기본 설정으로 저장했습니다.

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Panerai Boutique Tianjin MixC, Shop 021-1, Ground Floor, Galaxy Mall, No.9 Leyuandao Road - Tianjin, CHINA
전화: + (86) 22 8388 7322
현재 운영 중
운영 시간
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
특별 운영 기간
거리: Km
Tianjin is the key economic center and international harbor city in North China. The Panerai boutique in Tianjin offers to Panerai’s collectors and clients a unique experience within the Panerai world. In the boutique, the classic Italian Design prevails with clean lines, minimalist decoration and the use of glass panels and walls to emphasize light and transparency. All materials have been carefully selected, while the design takes inspiration from the history and tradition of the Florentine watch brand: both the gold Calacatta marble flooring imported from Tuscany and the characteristic stucco wall finishing reflect Panerai’s strong Italian roots. Walls made of teak wood are curved to look like waves, honoring the brand’s link to the sea and its historical association with the Italian Navy. A large Wall Clock in the boutique provides a large-scale version of one of Panerai’s most distinctive features: the sandwich structure of the legendary dial. It is done by two superimposed dials, encompass a layer of Super-LumiNova® for the index markers and numerals. Historically, this structure was invented in the late Thirties to guarantee perfect visibility and readability of the watch, even in poor light or difficult lit underwater conditions. An exclusive VIP area in the boutique offers Panerai watch lovers with more comfortable and private shopping atmosphere to admire the World of Panerai with full brand values as well as its key elements.
Panerai Boutique Tianjin MixC