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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


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Panerai Tysons Galleria


Panerai Boutique Tysons Galleria , International Drive - McLean, UNITED STATES
전화: (703) 343-7056
현재 운영 중
운영 시간
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오후 12:00 — 오후 6:00
특별 운영 기간
Labor Day (September 2nd): 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
거리: Km
The Officine Panerai Boutique is located in the heart of the renowned destination for upscale shopping in Washington, DC, Tysons Galleria.  The boutique proudly features its unprecedented new "Modularità Espressiva" concept, characterized by innovative architecture and Italian design blending physical and digital features to deliver a unique sensorial experience. Upon entering the boutique, Panerai’s iconic luminous green wall clock may be the first element to grab your attention, but one of the most striking novelties is the presence of a large video wall on which products will be impressively projected and magnified. The glassless lightbox display breaks down the barrier and invites you to touch and feel featured timepieces. Visit our new Boutique to discover more about Panerai’s collections, craftsmanship, legacy, and sustainability efforts.
Panerai Boutique Tysons Galleria