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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


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Panerai Boca Raton


Panerai Boutique Boca Raton, 6000 Glades Road, Suite 1137A - Boca Raton, UNITED STATES
전화: (561) 941-3200
현재 운영 중
운영 시간
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오전 11:00 — 오후 7:00
오후 12:00 — 오후 6:00
특별 운영 기간
거리: Km
Located in Town Center, the boutique embodies the brand's center pillars, such as the world of the sea and the technicity and innovations empowering our Modern Heroes. These elements blend seamlessly to capture the essence of the Maison, taking customers on a sensory journey that merges luxury, heritage, innovation, and the spirit of discovery. Upon entering the boutique, the iconic luminescent clock, retro illuminated to recall the Super-Luminova® fluorescence, a shared feature in all Panerai watches will grab your attention. The layout is designed to narrate the brand’s story, accompanying customers through the different collections of the Panerai universe. While shopping, clients are immersed in a world of technical prowess and welcomed by the inimitable allure of Italian hospitality.
Panerai Boutique Boca Raton