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현재 검색 중인 버전: South Korea

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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


검색 정보에 따라 다음 위치와 통화를 기본 설정으로 저장했습니다.

대한민국 -

언제든지 기본 설정을 변경하실 수 있습니다.

마카오 윈 팰리스(Wynn Palace)


Panerai Boutique Macau Wynn Palace, Retail 23, Wynn Palace, Avenida da Nave Desportiva, Cotai - Macau, MACAU SAR, CHINA
전화: + (853) 2877 6135
현재 운영 중
운영 시간
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 10:00
오전 10:00 — 오전 12:00
오전 10:00 — 오전 12:00
오전 10:00 — 오전 12:00
특별 운영 기간
거리: Km
Situated at Wynn Palace, in the heart of Cotai the Panerai boutique features an area of 79 square metres, displaying the collections of the Florentine company. Patricia Urquiola, the celebrated Spanish designer, has reinterpreted the aesthetic and technical codes of the watch house, respecting the identity of the brand with a timeless design: she has succeeded in respecting tradition with a look that is nonetheless modern and up-to-date, finding a genuine link between the past and the future. The boutique is welcoming, sophisticated, contemporary and elegant: as well as admiring the technical beauty of Panerai watches, clients can relax in a luxurious, intimate space.
Panerai Boutique Macau Wynn Palace