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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


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Panerai Boutique Dallas, 90 Highland Park Village - Dallas, UNITED STATES
전화: (214) 206-9860
현재 운영 중
운영 시간
오전 10:00 — 오후 6:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 6:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 6:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 6:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 6:00
오전 10:00 — 오후 6:00
오후 12:00 — 오후 5:00
특별 운영 기간
Labor Day (September 2nd): 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
거리: Km
The Panerai boutique in Dallas is located in Highland Park Village, Dallas’ premier open-air luxury shopping and dining destination. The boutique spans over 500 square feet and features a design concept that takes inspiration from industrial architecture and the sea world, paying homage to Panerai's exceptional craftsmanship in watchmaking and ties to the Italian Navy. Upon entering, visitors step into a warm, inviting space that instantly diffuses Panerai's adventurous and luxurious Italian appeal. Among the decor's unique features are a crown façade, Italian furniture, dark ceilings, veined marble flooring, and Panerai's signature luminous green wall clock. Each personalized detail was chosen by Panerai's creative director Alvaro Maggini and aesthetically speaks to the brand’s ethos, creating an atmosphere where watch aficionados and guests alike can experience Panerai's timepieces in comfort, privacy, and style. In addition to offering timepieces from Panerai's four iconic collections, the Dallas boutique provides bespoke, personalized consultations in a curated VIP lounge.
Panerai Boutique Dallas