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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


검색 정보에 따라 다음 위치와 통화를 기본 설정으로 저장했습니다.

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뉴스 및 이벤트

뉴스 및 이벤트로 이동

BREAKING NEWS ! Two extremely rare Panerai watches have been sold at the Artcurial auction in Monaco.

Two extremely rare Panerai watches have been sold on January 23rd 2019 at the Artcurial auction in Monaco.


Lot 116


An extremely rare Radiomir ‘Type A’ ref.6152 that originally belonged to Rear Admiral Amedeo Vesco of the Italian Navy – Marina Militare italiana.


Originally estimated at 80.000 € – 120.000 €, this Panerai watch has been sold for a final price of 226.000 € !!!


Lot 79


A rare piece of the Panerai ref. 3646 with ‘anonymous’ dial has also been auctioned for a final price of 84.500 €.


"Picture credits: Artcurial"