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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


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Panerai and Razer make waves as they unite to save the oceans

Razer™, the leading global lifestyle brand for gamers (Hong Kong Stock Code: 1337), announced a new collaboration with Panerai at this year’s RazerCon, the virtual celebration of all things For Gamers, By Gamers. Millions of viewers around the world tuned into the carbon neutral livestream to watch Razer’s CEO Min-Liang Tan deliver a keynote address filled with surprise guests and exciting sustainability news and updates from the company. “We have great ambitions around sustainability, but we also know that while there’s plenty we can do, we can’t do it all alone,” says Min-Liang Tan, Co-founder and CEO of Razer. “That’s why collaboration is key for us at Razer, and we are thrilled to partner with Panerai on very important initiatives that will not only benefit consumers, but also the planet.”

Razer and luxury watch manufacturer, Panerai, have come together under a shared commitment to advancing ocean preservation, and rallied RazerCon viewers to Make Time for our Ocean. As part of this year long campaign, Razer and Panerai have committed to enhancing ocean literacy, and will be supporting a cause together that will be revealed in March 2022. The keynote came to a crescendo when it was also announced that a limited-edition, co-branded


time piece made from sustainable material will be hitting the market in 2022. Making a special appearance during the keynote was Panerai’s CEO Jean-Marc Pontroue who was joined by the brand’s sustainability ambassadors, Mike Horn, Jeremy Jauncey, and Li Yifeng, to inspire and empower viewers to protect the oceans. The topic of ocean literacy was further expanded upon in a dedicated workshop led by Francesca Santoro, Programme Specialist, IOC UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture. During the workshop, viewers learned about the importance of the oceans, the current environmental threats, and what they can do to protect them.