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Much more than a Watch

For generations, Paneristi have proudly shared their enthusiasm and dedication to Panerai. A community of more than 30.000 members with more than 30 local hubs around the globe: a community of Number 1. Each Panerista brings his own experience and story to the community, contributing to the nurture of this big worldwide family. A family where each Panerista can find common ground for his passion and mutual support during both happy and tough moments. Much more than a watch. There is no better definition for our Paneristi family.

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Paneristi gather for their annual convention in a different city every year. Like every other aspect of the Paneristi identity, P-Day has evolved with time, gathering hundreds of Paneristi during Panerai themed weekend.

Don’t miss the next one: P-Day 2024 is returning to Asia!

We are thrilled to host you here in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, for the very first time.

The event will unfold over two days, on Friday October 4th and Saturday October 5th.  

Get into the Paneristi identity and atmosphere, discovering the “Best of” of the last P-Day hosted in Lisbon, in October 2023

In the last 20 years, Panerai has paid tribute to this amazing community designing and developing 6 Special Edition Watches. A celebration of Paneristi and their unwavering commitment to the brand and each other. “Panerai is honored to create this important watch representing the Paneristi’s 20 years of building community, friendship, and a global family with a passion for Panerai at its core,” says Panerai CEO Jean-Marc Pontroué during the presentation of the latest Paneristi Special Edition. “We are grateful to celebrate this devoted group of fans and collectors who have travelled the Panerai journey alongside the brand for the past two decades.”

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