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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


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ميامي ديزاين ديستركت


Panerai Boutique Miami Design District, 140 NE 39th Street - Miami, UNITED STATES
الهاتف: (305) 908-4518
مفتوح الآن
ساعات العمل
الاثنين 11:00 ص — 7:00 م
الثلاثاء 11:00 ص — 7:00 م
الأربعاء 11:00 ص — 7:00 م
الخميس 11:00 ص — 7:00 م
الجمعة 11:00 ص — 7:00 م
السبت 11:00 ص — 7:00 م
الأحد 12:00 م — 6:00 م
أيّام عمل خاصة
24 ديسمبر من الساعة الحادية عشر صباحًا إلى السادسة مساءً
31 ديسمبر من الساعة الحادية عشر صباحًا إلى السادسة مساءً
أيّام الإغلاق
25 ديسمبر
المسافة: Km
The Panerai boutique is situated in the heart of the Miami Design District, an area of the city which has recently been transformed into an exclusive luxury shopping destination. The flagship store is in the south-west corner of the Design District’s Palm Court and has seven windows, five on the ground floor and two on the upper floor. The interior design reflects a functional, simple idea of design, like that of the brand’s watches. Patricia Urquiola, the famous Spanish designer based in Italy, has reinterpreted the aesthetic and technical codes of the watchmaker, paying heed to its identity and timeless design. The designer has succeeded in respecting tradition with a look that is modern and current, finding an appropriate link between the past and the future. One of the most distinctive elements of the boutique is the custom chandelier: a suspended series of disks, rings and lamps devised and designed by Patricia Urquiola, specially made and inspired by Panerai movements. The second floor has been deliberately designed as a private area for exclusive collectors and an exhibition space to host works by contemporary artists and designers as well.
Panerai Boutique Miami Design District