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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


استنادًا إلى معلومات التصفّح، حدّدنا البلدان والعملات التالية:

United Arab Emirates - د.إ.‏

إذا أردتم التغيير، يمكنكم اختيار إعدادات مختلفة.



Panerai Boutique Villagio Mall, Villaggio Mall, Al Waab Street - Doha, QATAR
الهاتف: +(974) 4451 9866
مفتوح الآن
ساعات العمل
الاثنين 9:00 ص — 10:00 م
الثلاثاء 9:00 ص — 10:00 م
الأربعاء 9:00 ص — 10:00 م
الخميس 9:00 ص — 10:00 م
الجمعة 2:30 م — 10:00 م
السبت 9:00 ص — 10:00 م
الأحد 9:00 ص — 10:00 م
أيّام عمل خاصة
أيّام الإغلاق
المسافة: Km
The Officine Panerai boutique in Doha, the millennia-old city on the Persian Gulf, is located in the city’s shopping heart. The Panerai boutique can be found in the Villaggio Mall, the largest and most luxurious shopping centre in Qatar, a magnificent complex stretching out over 150,000 square metres, which can boast among its attractions an immense sky-like ceiling, a series of architectural details inspired by the Italian Renaissance and a system of Venetian-style navigable canals. The interior of the Doha Panerai boutique is inspired by the sea, the element that has always characterized the brand, whose watches were originally conceived for underwater use. The display inside the Officine Panerai boutique highlights watch models with Panerai in-house movements.
Panerai Boutique Villagio Mall