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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


استنادًا إلى معلومات التصفّح، حدّدنا البلدان والعملات التالية:

United Arab Emirates - د.إ.‏

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Panerai Boutique Beirut Souks, Beirut Souks, Weygand Street - Beirut, LEBANON
الهاتف: +(961) 1 256655
مفتوح الآن
ساعات العمل
الاثنين 10:00 ص — 10:00 م
الثلاثاء 10:00 ص — 10:00 م
الأربعاء 10:00 ص — 10:00 م
الخميس 10:00 ص — 10:00 م
الجمعة 2:00 م — 10:00 م
أيّام عمل خاصة
أيّام الإغلاق
المسافة: Km
The Officine Panerai boutique in Beirut is located in Beirut Souks, the prestigious shopping district which is home to many international luxury brands, in a setting that reproduces the atmosphere and architecture of traditional Middle Eastern bazaars. Beirut Souks is found in the heart of the city, the Beirut Central District, known as “Solidere”. It covers an area of one hundred thousand square metres, with sixty thousand square metres of pedestrian areas, where the latest facilities and services stand side-by-side with important historic landmarks. The boutique’s design is typical of Officine Panerai stores, with shapes, colours and materials contributing to creating a sober ambiance inspired by the sea, the element which historically has characterized the identity of Panerai watches. Panerai’s Beirut boutique conveys this link with the sea through the use of teak wood, steel and porthole-shaped windows.
Panerai Boutique Beirut Souks