Essenza di Panerai
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Collezioni di raffinati orologi che incarnano l’orologeria svizzera
sublimata dall’implacabile spirito innovativo di Panerai.
Il motore che anima l’innovazione tecnologica e il savoir-faire orologiero della Maison,
trasformando idee e concetti in vere e proprie meraviglie della tecnologia.
Panerai ha reso accessibile il processo di manifattura al pubblico generale, offrendo la possibilità di immergersi in un mondo di innovazione e tecnologia all’avanguardia.
The Legend of Time: 10 stories beyond the watch
Panerai’s exhibition, “Beyond the Watch: A Journey Through Time,” is taking place now until April 30, 2025, at its Canton Road Flagship Boutique. Centered around the theme of “10”, the exhibition invites visitors to embark on a voyage through time, exploring 10 legendary stories that have shaped the Maison’s milestones. This event will also showcase a remarkable array of historic watches and instruments loaned by 10 esteemed private collectors, coinciding with the 10th year since the flagship boutique is opened in 2015.
The exhibition is thoughtfully curated into two sections. On the first floor, guests will have the opportunity to reflect on five pivotal milestones in Panerai’s history. The second floor will illuminate five recent narratives that highlight the brand’s latest innovations. The two exhibition floors have been designed in distinct styles to illustrate the evolution of Panerai over the past century, from our origins and deep ties with the Italian Navy to groundbreaking technical patents and the creation of classic functional timepieces, as well as advancements in manufacture engineering and Paneristi community engagement.
The watches from the 10 collectors are intricately linked to the 10 stories that have profoundly influenced Panerai’s journey. These rare historic pieces exemplify the timeless design ethos inherent in timepieces of the Maison.
Since its inception, Panerai has forged a strong relationship with maritime and military history, which continues to shape the core values and design aesthetics of the Maison. For many decades, Panerai supplied the Italian Navy and its specialist diving corps in particular with precision instruments. The antique maritime instruments featured in the exhibition highlight this rich history of collaboration between Panerai and the Italian Navy.
At this exhibition, Panerai hopes to invite visitors to celebrate this extraordinary journey through time, where history and innovation converge in the world of horology.
Panerai “Beyond the Watch: A Journey Through Time” Exhibition
Date: till 30th April 2025
Location: Panerai Canton Road Flagship Boutique
Free admission. Guests can reserve a private tour through the following website: Panerai Beyond the watch
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